Ok so I did a post with the movies that I want to see this summer(still working on most of those), snidely implying that I wouldn't want to see any others(this turns out not to be true. So let me be more specific about what I don't want to see:
1)Love Guru: This movie looks absolutely abysmal. I am trying to decide what ruined Mike Myers because he was always pretty funny on SNL and even some of his early movies like So I married an Axe Murderer!- Head, Pants Now!
Maybe it was all those Austin Powers Movies(he made Thirteen I think) or maybe it was all the Shrek money but this one, Love Guru, couln't hit funny with a rock for where it is. Stupid, predictible, tedious, all of those it has in spades.
2) Journey to the Center of the Earth: someday someone will figure out a way to make a realy entertaining 3D movie, but I am betting this aint it.
3)Dave: See Love Guru. Insert Eddie Murphy for Mike Myers.