The summer movie season is fast approaching and though is may not compare to last year heavy hitter line-up, it should be chock full of familar names, big budgets, big stars and teen friendly plots and scripts. Comic book based movies have such a strong track record that they seldom have a hard time drawing top notch hollywood talent. Witness this May's early summer thiller, Iron Man, for further proof of this if such is required.
Robert Downey Jr.(Oscar nominee) heads a cast of critical darlings with Terrance Howard(Oscar Nominee) and Gywneth Paltrow(Yes still alive and an oscar winner for Shakespeare in Love) and Jeff Bridges, who you may struggle to recognize minus his trademark mane. This gaggle of talent should allow director, Jon Favreau, to strike the proper balance of summer fun and respect for the source material that seperates the blockbuster from the average comic book movie. Since this is something that Ang Lee, amoungst others failed to do, it is no small task. Downey is a major assest in this undertaking, well deserving of praise so ofter heaped upon his undertakings.
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