This is an excellent film filled with top notch performances by perenial Oscar darlings Tom Hanks, Jude Law and Paul Newman and another beautiful job directing by Sam Mendes. You can also catch Daniel Craig, the new James Bonds, as the amoral son of an immoral mob boss. Craig gives a solid performance here, but see the British crime thriller L4yer Cake or the Angelina Jolie Vehicle Tomb Raider for the performances that earned Craig the Bond role.
Most interesting for me, however, was the performance given by
CiarĂ¡n Hinds as Finn McGovern. He plays a brutal man in an ugly business struggling to come to grips with the betrayal he feels when his brother(also a mob soilder) meets an untimely and unjust end. Finn's brief speech at his brother's wake threatens to steal a movie full of stellar performances. Hinds can currently be seen on HBO a Gaius Julius Ceaser and also in Steven Spielberg's upcoming Munich.
Based on a Grapic Novel(translate thick comic), the film grossed 161,354,514 (Worldwide).
According to original author
Max Allan Collins real life gangsters John and Connor Looney's names were changed to Rooney for the film.