1000 random and brief movie reviews
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Top ten movies that don't need to be made:

10 Another Zorro movie.
9 Soy Bomb! the film
8 Movies about clever fish and or aquatic mammals
7 Another film featuring two or more members of the Wayans family
6 On Golden Blonde
5 Any film even remotely connected to an SNL skit
4 The continuing adventures of Milk and Cheese (dairy products gone bad)
3 A Ben Affleck, retarded character, oscar vehicle.
2 Cabin Fever 2- I saw the first based on a Peter Jackson blurb and let me say this, " You owe me $8 bucks, you sawed off little hobbit looking bastard"
1 Any film that features friendly robots.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I would disagree with #1, because I would intersted in a move about VERY friendly robots. :)