1000 random and brief movie reviews
Monday, December 01, 2008
Latest Bond is out and doing it's normal strong performance at the US Box Office and Gangbuster overseas performance. This one has not been a critcial darling with many critics. The consensus amoungst those who were not fans is that the Daniel Craig era has been characterized by a transition from brain to brawn and that the new Bond is bears too great a resembelance to Matt Damon's Jason Bourne. This of course presumes that what most Bond fan's want are clever quips and cleverer gadgets.

I can hardly speak for Bond fan's here as I am really not much of a fan of the series, but I can remember thinking that what Bond really needed to stay alive as a franchise was a turn to a more gritty focus and away from all the bells and whistles.

Daniel Craig does a solid job of deflating Bond from jetsetting playboy spy to a gritty, physical and pragmatic operative. This is coming out on DVD soon and I strongly recommend picking up both Qauntum and Casino Royale as the latter film picks up just after the former ends and the plots intertwine.

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